Free will is often said to be the reason one person accepts the Lord and another does not. Often,
people will rebel against God's sovereignty in electing and predestinating based on nothing in the individual. Instead,
they state that God looks into the future to see who would pick Him and then He predestines those into salvation. This
is, of course, problematic because it would mean that God looked in the future to learn something, thereby denying God's omniscience.
So, we can see that this isn't a possible explanation. In order to discuss free will, we must
first define it. Free will is the ability to make choices. Both the Calvinists and non-Calvinists believe we make
choices and therefore, both believe in free will. However, there are distinctions within the free will definition.
Libertarian free will states that
The Bible says the unbeliever is a slave to sin, that he is
dead in his sins, does not seek for God and does not understand spiritual things. Yet, many claim that he is just as free
to choose God as someone who is regenerate. I completely disagree with this. Before a healthy
discussion on what people can and cannot do with free will, it needs to be analyzed and, hopefully, we can gain some insight
into what free will really means. What is free will? It is the ability for a person to determine
some or all of his actions. Some consider free will to be its own cause. Some consider free will to be independent of any
other causation, predestination, or predetermination by any other person, event, or stimulus.
Of course, this does not make sense since a person is free to do as he wants but what he wants can only be consistent with
his own nature. I propose that free will involves four aspects: Conception, Desire, Choice, and
Accomplishment. Conception leads to desire which leads to choice which leads to accomplishing that choice.
- Conception
- We must be able to conceive of an idea, need, want, etc., before it can be desired, chosen,
and accomplished.
- But, we cannot conceive of something beyond our ability or nature to conceive since this would
be a contradiction
- This would violate our nature.
In this, we are limited by our nature to conceive.
- I cannot conceive of something I cannot conceive of.
- Therefore I cannot desire, choose, or accomplish that which I cannot conceive.
- I can conceive of the ability to raise my arm above my head.
- I can conceive of the ability to suddenly become larger than the sun.
- I cannot give you an example of something I cannot conceive since to tell it to you would mean
I have conceived it.
- I can conceive of things communicated to me by another even though I may never have conceived
of it on my own.
- In this, I am able to conceive of the concept, idea, thing told to me though it did not originate
with me.
We can only desire what we can conceive.
But, we cannot desire beyond our ability (nature) to desire since this would
be a contradiction.
- This would violate our nature. In this, we are limited by our nature to desire.
- I can desire to raise my arm above my head.
- I can desire to suddenly become larger than the sun.
I cannot desire what I am not aware of conceptually.
We can only choose what we can desire.
But, we cannot choose beyond our ability (nature) to choose
This would violate our nature. In this, we are limited by our nature to choose.
I am free to choose to attempt to accomplish my desires.
We can only accomplish what can be chosen to be accomplished
This does not necessitate that I can accomplish all my choices
We can conceive of and choose to accomplish things that are outside our abilities.
- I can conceive of the idea raising my arm above my head and I can accomplish it.
- I can conceive of the idea of suddenly becoming larger than the sun, but I can not accomplish
- I cannot accomplish this because I cannot violate my own nature.
We are limited by our natures to what we can conceive of, desire, and choose.
Therefore, what we can accomplish is strictly limited by what we are.
We are not free to conceive of anything possible.
We are not free to desire anything possible since not all things can be concevied of.
We are not free to choose that which we cannot desire.
We are not free to accomplish that which we cannot desire.
Therefore, Free Will requires at least that a person be able to conceive, desire, and choose.
True free will is that which is in accordance with one’s nature. To choose to accomplish something beyond one’s
nature is not an exercise of free will but a declaration of a person’s lack of freedom — in that area.
Does God have a free will?
- God can choose to do what is in accordance with his nature.
- But He cannot violate His own nature, for example
- God cannot lie
- God cannot stop being God
- God cannot make a rock bigger than He can pick up.
- God can conceive of lying but He cannot accomplish it since it would violate His nature.
Errors of belief concerning Free Will
- That free will is independent of all things
- By this is meant that a person is completely and totally free from all influences whether external
or internal.
- This is impossible.
- That free will will means that someone can act contrary to his own nature.
- That free will is something within man that is independent of God; that it is, completely man’s
and not under the soverign knowledge and control of God.
What does the Bible say about sinful Man's freedom?
more to come.....